Epoché | Manifestation of Present Time

  • Videshiiya

Arctic - Ubiquitous

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  • Niniek Febriany
  • Russelin Edhyati
  • Stephanus Theodorus Suhendra
  • Gilang Rizky

Present as time himself.

While past have future as its opposite, present have no worthy opponent because unlike consistant and flux nature of time which always moving forward and never stops, the present doesn’t represent the revolving process of time. The present is time.
And as we all know, time…always shadowed with the end of time.
Rather than arguing about the predictable future of inevitable end (Because all things must end) This project will speak the right of the present time.

What if.

The rising temperature of the ocean had been an issue for decades. Climate change and CO2 entrapment by humans technology and retro futuristic culture remains unchange despite all effort to sustain our ecosystem. Icebergs are melting, increases the volume of the ocean and by 2060, Canada will cease to exist, drowning like the myth of Atlantis.
What will the legacy of Canada be if there is no Canada? Will problems be the legacy? What if the legacy is nothing at all?
We’re at war with our own time. The decision to control a certain apocalypse feels nihilistic but paradoxically unavoidable action.
What if we could turn the certainties into uncertainties? The chance to control the inevitable doom is the voice of the present. Acting now is the answer.

Epoché: Conquering Icebergs means controling time.

The facility drive the future back into uncertainties by producing more iceberg using architecture as super refrigerant while at the same time introduce multiculturalism as part of Canada National Identity and example as promotional legacy.
The facility program to harvest the water and turning them into icebergs in two ways:
1. Using the body of the facility as cooling structure to low the temperature of the arctic sea.
2. Producing Ice block and gather them to congest ice blocks and turn them into icebergs
The facility secondary program is to create a research center and moving vessel promoting and share information about the reality of the arctic.
The facility will move and sail from port to port of every country, promoting the arctic by holding a concert, art performance or gathering volunteers from every nation to once again unite as one team to help improve and managing the arctic.

Facility & Strategy to Spread Multiculturalism.

There is no easy way to save the arctic, nations must join and teamed up as partners, that’s why the facility will include volunteers gathering program from every nations.
The vessel will be made of large geometrical sliced block with flat top and irregular bottom as the womb of the ice block. and later icebergs.
The flat top platform can be manipulated and turned into performing art stage to hold any kind of entertaining events including: concerts, beauty pageants or even collective wedding ceremony, it can also be able to accommodate any kind of sporting events or house a friendly match for Hockey games, football, Ice skating or even badminton game. Mainly, the vessel will be able to perform as the home for Artcirq (an Inuit circus performance collective based in Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada.) as main performer promoting the betterment of Arctic and at the same time mark the vessel as one of Canada’s legacy for the world.
By traveling across the world and gathering people of every nations, The vessel will promote not only the arctic but also ideal multiculturalism, where every nation working together to solve international problem.


Below the dynamic platform, upper part of the vessel will be utilized as water distillation and cooling system facility to regulate the temperature of the sea and the building when it stops moving and produce clean-sustainable drinking water
The middle part of the vessel will facilitate housing, research facility, public space and hydroponic farming where everybody is required to grow their own food and provide their own foods. This way the vessel will have a chance to reduce Carbon emission by reducing trip to cities and food stocking.
The bottom part of the vessel will be use as the womb of the ice blocks-icebergs and underwater chamber for Arctic animals observing facility, this way the vessel may holistically conclude all information about Arctic ecosystem to children and younger generations.


The Icebergs Forming and Sustainable Energy.

The bottom part of the vessel will grow iceberg by cooling and condensing the water around the vessel. The method tried to form the iceberg naturally through compacting and condensing the cool water while carrying it until it is large enough to be released to the Arctic ocean.

The system will ensure re-creation of more and more icebergs in the arctic sea. and by using wind turbines and solar panel will generate energy of its own to power the whole facility and regulate temperature.

The vessel also be able to move vertically slice by slice not only to manipulate the form of the flat field on top, but also to block daylight for the interest of keeping small pieces of ice blocks and icebergs, preventing them to melt or even help regulating the temperature of the ocean.
The movement of the sliced block also anticipate spreading natural icebergs in the ocean. And will be able to avoid the unique spreading landscape.



After all, Arctic itself symbolize the abolishment of complicated competition between nations nobody owns anything in the world, and though Arctic has large impact in the condition of global climate has never been used as a weapon of one country to invade another (but rather the weapon of mass destruction owned by nature itself).
The freezing and cold Arctic might represent the idea of unity through International collaboration and as the certain disaster in the future being delayed.
The manifestation of ideal tranquility between nation becomes realistic more so than ever as Incarnation of Ataraxia.