Flow | Compact Apartment

  • Heppy Eka Ramadhany
  • Elly Mariana Dewi


  • 19 sqm




Our client dreams on a simple living which allowed her to remove the clutter from her lives and take advantage of their time. We agree on the term and whatever the reason or circumstance, a compact living situation should have to be approached with joy.

The key goal was maximising the internal space while creating a comfortable home that reflects the personalities of our client. The spaces needed to be flexible, with enough natural light and air entering the apartment for it not to feel cramped and enclosed. Rooms were layered so different zones seamlessly flow into each other.


The materials had to reflect the small scale of the house but also those of the personalities of our client. With such a small plot, we had to work hard to make each square foot work for the house and eliminate wasted space, and so the circulation space was made as small as possible. There are many storage solutions to creating more space in tight quarters. Storage designs include elevating beds and furniture and utilizing wall storage.


With a palette of sensitive but affordable materials that are light in colour– a warm, comfortable, tactile ambience is created. The units also feature a giant window that fills the space with natural light, and a comfy window seating area as a place to sit and watch the world.