Housing Plastic

  • Videshiiya

Non Site Specific

  • 36 Sqm




  • Stephanus Theo
  • Winda Andini Sugianto

Plastic waste is the biggest waste in the world and it is non degradeable. Reusing plastic as building material is an environmentally smart strategy not only to save the environment but could also be a solution for a temporary shelter.

Its durability is not a myth, its flexibility and ability to bend, shaped and constructed are visible. To build a sustainable building by reusing plastic material can be a great benefit to everyone.

This project was proposed to build homeless shelter especially for children who are living on the street.
By providing shelters/houses that are properly made from reusable materials, we would lessen the number of abused kids while reducing the volume of plastic waste.

The program for this project consists of toilet, communal bathroom, security post/pantry, and sharing bedroom. Each shelter is only 36 Sqm and expected to shelter at least 8-10 children.

A1 kecil