Intersection-Interaction Siliwangi Pedestrian Bridge

  • Videshiiya
  • CVHK


  • 792 Sqm




  • Gana Ganesha
  • Ignatius Brahmono Aji
  • Stephanus Theodorus Suhendra

Siliwangi pedestrian bridge was a competition project, being nominated as top ten entry is an assurance of boldness and creative idea of our experimental feature on the design.

The idea is to redevelop the area into more humane area, improve people interaction and sanitation level of the area, construct a new landmark-public space area, a true monument of human scale.

To increase level of interaction, circulation was formed into cris-crossing manner, it is within our intention to construct more conflict, people bumping into each other, from collision to human interaction is our approach to connect more individualistic society of the 21st century.


Improving individual interactions will facilitate and gather more people who care more about this area’s environment which is swarming with garbage and waste. For the next step we designed trash filtration system by forming a fluid structure made by wiremesh and steel. This garbage nets will ensure easier way of cleaning the river.

Not only designing a functional and systemic design, but we also promote the river to be a new urban tourism object by planning a rafting activity in the future cleaned river. an assurance to sustain the cleanliness of the river based on active community awareness.