Kaliurang Camping Ground

  • Videshiiya

Sleman, Yogyakarta

  • 12.000 Sqm




  • Russelin Edhyati
  • Fransiska Damarratri
  • Anissa Cinderakasih
  • Stephanus Theodorus

Solemn institute of escape from your everyday life.

Everyone of us has always been craving for more humane space followed by statement of endless demand of large space. Defining a humane space in modern ecosystem is always hard to compare to natural ecosystem where nature grows and ask for nothing. Nature always succeed to adapt, change, and provide all they can for everything and every human being.

This project is an escape from the busy modern city of Yogyakarta and programmed to teach human beings to communicate with their surroundings, environment, nature and The Supreme Being who created us all.
The design consist of camp sites, community center, service building, and arts & craft shops. All the facility will be connected with adventurous path made to confuse and liberate people from the any desire to follow the pathway. Visitors are encouraged to explore the site, enjoy the natural environment and find themselves redeemed from the sin of modern forrest.

Everyone of us has always been craving for more humane space followed by statement of endless demand of large space. Defining a humane space in modern ecosystem is always hard to compare to natural ecosystem where nature grows and asks for nothing. Nature always succeeds to adapt, change, and provides all it can for everything and every human being.

This project is an escape from the busy modern city of Yogyakarta and is programmed to teach human beings to communicate with their surroundings, environment, nature and The Supreme Being who created us all.
The design consists of camp sites, community center, service building, and arts & craft shops. All the facility will be connected with adventurous path made to confuse and liberate people from the any desire to follow the pathway. Visitors are encouraged to explore the site, enjoy the natural environment and find themselves redeemed from the sin of modern forrest.


Offering new type of camp site, this project also proposes some form of outdoor living experience. Tents come with several modes and choices, the circular layout and clean platform is provided to give cleaner look on the design.






In short, this camping ground is a place where the sun, the earth, and humans bow and greet each other, reconciled by the Supreme Being.