Klimaks | Re-imagining Tourism Junk in Desa Ngadirejo, Bromo

  • Videshiiya

Bromo, Desa Ngadirejo

  • 36 Sqm - 54 Sqm




  • Niniek Pebriany
  • Gilang Rizki

There is one Indonesian idioms and expression best describes Indonesian Tourism: Simalakama Fruit*; when you eat it your father dies, if you don’t, your mother dies = damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Things won’t work out, regardless of the path you choose.

Indonesian Tourism holds a really huge role when it comes to Indonesia revenues. It boosts Indonesia economy but at the same time destroys its ecosystem.
One of the negative impact of Indonesian tourism is the accumulation of tourists junk and waste which starts to build up.

From data that we got from Data Balai Besar Taman Nasional, tourist of Bromo Tengger Semeru produce 0,5 kilograms of garbage on the area of Taman Nasional alone while visitors of this tourism objects estimated around 500-700 people daily which equals 350 kg garbage pile everyday. Junk and dumpster becomes part of tourism panorama in the area of Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru.
When we read the TOR of this competition, we were asked to use local material which grows around the specified tourist destination. As our critical architecture rises and seeing the growth of garbage and junk in every tourists destination, we think maybe junk and garbage able to perform as the universal material of tourist destination when develop properly.

The house will be developed on the site of former mushroom factory in Desa Ngadirejo, Probolinggo which was abandoned in 2011. The area provides reusable building parts with bamboo as its main structure and material which later will be used as parts of the new socio-tourism houses.
Bromo temperature range between 5°C – 22°C. Under this circumstances, the design will try to create warm environment by minimalizing opening and placing prapen (fireplace) in the center of the house. The prapen will also perform as cooking area and thus gather every occupant of the house, local owner, their family, and visitors, demonstrating communal tradition of Indonesia while at the same time provides social interaction between people.


The prapen can also go beyond social needs, it will also keep bamboo material durable and increase the temperature inside the house. The smokes will be distributed with one pipe system located in the middle of the house.
Other feature regarding cold temperature is the wall/roof system layered with throw away garments as insulation. The inclined wall/roof also a respond to 2010 eruption which happen to create mass ammounts of volcanic ashes resulting death by fallen roof and construction. The wall/roof will distribute ashes much more faster and easier to clean, hence preventing disaster.

Desa Ngadirejo Bromo also very well known for water inaccessability. People need to walk for 30 minutes to access clean water, this problem should be solve with individual water reservoir which can also act as rain harvester. The water reservoir is placed on top of the prapen to provides visitors and the occupants with warm or hot water.

The development of the house also consider a lookout as the output of archi-tourism while at the same time will function as maintenance and station to wash and clean the wall/roof system from volcanic ashes.

*Simalakama is a small fruit with maroon skin and white flesh that was cultivated in the vegetable gardens of the palaces of Javanese sultans.