The Final Touch | Ecosystem of Memory

  • Videshiiya

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Competition (Shortlisted)



  • Stephanus Theodorus Suhendra
  • Niniek Pebriany
  • Gilang Rizki Fauzi Putra
  • Elly Mariana Dewi
  • Sekar Wangi Dwikarini
  • Anisa Nastiti


Global pandemic demands people to interact outdoor and architecture to have better air movement, better daylight exposure to generate D3 vitamin.
by now, the situation should have convinced us all of an ecological future.
a future where the air is cleaner, where trees and plants could grow again, anywhere, coexisting with homo sapiens. where architecture and nature become inseparable. We believe in a better future.

The Final Touch is an oasis for the customer. a place to reconnect with nature through series of pocket gardens, a place to feel the warmth of the sun, the wind breeze, the smells of the woods, the rough texture of the stone wall, crunchy sound of the gravel floor and experience time by walking through a row of shadows thresholding the facade.

The Final Touch is an ecosystem of memory.


Pandemics will never end. Period.

We will continuously live under tight health protocols and (maybe) several lockdowns and isolations to save our lives. We will continuously crave to physically meet our loved ones, unable to touch their hair, to feel the warmth of their skin, and to hug them. It might get easier to meet our loved ones, as technology grows, but it will never be the same as the old normal. To add the irony, we might not get sick from the viruses, instead, we get a mental breakdown from multiple depression as we suffer so much alone time and isolation.


The Final Touch is the shop that you’ll always dream of. The shop that transforms memories of your loved ones into physical form. By using the Mind & Body Scanner + 3D Bio-Printing technologies, we manifest emotional memories into physical form. Let it be part of your lover’s human body, your grandmother’s clothes, the smooth sand of a particular beach, or any stuff that excites and emotionally connects you to a certain memory or sensation.



The Final Touch is confronting the status-quo of several taboos of the present time (challenging the access to our private mind and data, challenging the moral of trading human’s body parts, etc), will these taboos, still be taboos in the future?



The product’s result will activate all the five senses of the memories. Touch (and warmth), smell, sound, sight, and taste.

The design of the Final Touch’s store also celebrates all human senses. Building openings and the hollow facade provides biophilic design experiences by allowing the warm sunlight radiating to your skin, at the same time, change of shadows playfully entering the building providing interaction with time. Using natural materials such as woods and stones, recreating smells of the forest, serene touch of stone walls, and crunchy sounds of gravels.




The shop is located on the 2nd Floor of Kranggan Market, a historical traditional market in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. While Kranggan Market is doing well these days, the 2nd Floor space has never been optimized as proper retail and public space. It has been a lost space since forever.

The traditional market is an exact representation of human relations in the form of economic transactions. People are having an eye-to-eye informal conversation to negotiate, touch each other while paying cash, nudging strangers’ shoulders while striving the bussy-bustling market corridors, cursing on the hot weather but very grateful with the sudden wind breeze. Unfortunately, we highly doubt in the future, these lively interactions will still exist. It might transform into a virtual form of groceries shopping

The Final Touch will add a new layer of meaning to the future-abandoned traditional market-building. It will re-awaken the economic activities by recreating the connection within humans. It presents the exact contrast of the product, system, architecture style, atmosphere, and the technology, but on the other hand, it also presents the same concept of how humans are “connected” through economic transactions.